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Quickstart 1: Build an admin panel in 1 minute (SQL only)

  1. Add your Postgres database creds. Add data sources to the .env file
  2. Query data to your table. Write your SQL statement and save it. Your table is automatically loaded with the data from the query
  3. Convert to Smart Table. Instantly make your table editable inline by converting it to a Smart Table. Smart Tables work even across JOIN statements so you don't have to write any additional UPDATE queries or tasks.

That's it. You've built an admin panel that lets you look up customers and edit their information.

For more advanced functionality, you can extend your Smart Tables by creating Widgets in the Sidebar and writing custom Python functions that trigger on button clicks.

Quickstart 2: Build a customer approval app (Python + SQL)

  1. Add your Postgres database creds. Add data sources to the .env file
  2. Query data to your table. Write your SQL statement and save it. Your table is automatically loaded with the data from the query
  3. Write Python functions and bind them to button clicks. Write simple Python functions that perform UPDATE operations on your database tables.

That's it. You've built an customer approval app lets you approve customers in a waitlist or that require verification.